
You can make screenshots of your webpages
The fastest and easiest way to delete messages from Facebook.
Crop, Print, Download your screenshots
The #1 Converter tool that supports PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, JPG. Convert PDF to different formats and vice versa in one click.
Temporarily block distracting websites so you can focus on your priorities!
Saves teachers time and helps students become better writers.
Многофункциональное управление текущими вкладками
Online certificate generator that works with the Chrome's TPM and Cloudpath ES. For more information, visit www.cloudpath.net.
Download Flash & Video from web pages using popular Flash Video Downloader.
Add clickable urls to Google Calendar Detail
크롬 브라우저에서 WEBZEN 게임 서비스를 원활하게 실행할 수 있도록 도와줍니다
CD-ORD udvidelse – bedre integration til Chrome
Text-to-speech for Web Content
This extension makes Input Tools' keyboard larger. Nothing more, nothing less.
Monitor the opening of new tabs and auto-close sneaky popup/redirect ads
Invert the luminance of a website to make it easier on the eyes.
extension to start Ak Kamal e-Security Client from browsers without Java-support
AntiMiner is #1 Miner Blocker, helps to stop coin miners, cryptojackers and block mining scripts from your CPU. Best MinerBlock tool
Napredna verzija e-Dnevnika za učenike i roditelje.
Extension manages the tab along with the specified conditions to reduce the memory on Google Chrome.
InstaWeb. Full Instagram™ Options and Features on your desktop
Customize and change the appearance of online articles to enhance text readability
Toggle 21:9 Video on Disney Plus to be full screen on Ultrawide monitors (Removes Black Bars)
Загружай любимые треки без ограничений, с новым расширением для Yandex Music!
Analyze a web page or portion of a web page for conformance with WCAG 2.0 Color Contrast requirements.
Allows adjustment of Google Meet volume
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