
Paste text from a toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcut
Ultra Adblock is a free cross-platform browser extension for filtering content, including ad blocking.
AZInsight, the ultimate Amazon Product Research tool allowing Amazon Sellers to stay on top of the game by analyzing deals
Decentralized signature, identity and authentication system.
Fast forward your online lectures!
This extension creates a new Google Drawing in one click
Unofficial DeepL translate extension for chrome.
Create Microsoft Word document from complete or selected content of multiple web pages.
Chrome Native Messaging for MAXtv To Go
Flash player saves swf files and run them later in fullscreen flash player.
OctoLinker – Links together, what belongs together.
Screenshot capture used for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations task recorder.
Record browser actions then replay immediately. Craft your own custom automation workflows.
Defending against AudioContext fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Web Extension making 'The Settlers Online' collectibles easy to find!
使用OpenOffice Calc在线创建和编辑xls和xlsx电子表格
QPush 是从电脑推送文字到 iPhone 上最方便的小工具,可以轻松推送文字或网页。在电脑上打字或推送网页→手机收到通知→复制、传短信、开启链结或地图,只要三秒钟,推送超顺手! 不用再写备忘小纸条、寄信到自己的手机、或是苦等云端笔记同步。
Browser syncing as it should be: secure, anonymous and free! Sync bookmarks across your browsers and devices, no sign up required.
Setup custom redirect rules for any http request i.e pages, scripts, images etc. Uses a simple string replace to do this.
Fast, easy, high-quality text to speech in over 40 languages. Read out loud from websites, PDF, email. Speak text with TTS.
Removes the annoying link-conversion at Google Search/maps/...
This extension blocks HTTP Request based on configurable URL patterns.
Create, share, and automate containerized environments on any Windows desktop.
Genius PRO adblocker刪除所有網站的所有廣告和彈出窗口!最快的廣告塊可用加上現代控制和功能。
Port of Firefox's JSON Viewer
Best video uploads extension. Save most popular media formats from any website.
Easily import web articles into your Actively Learn workspace or class research
Small tweaks to gmail. Creates an button prompting user to move attachments to top. Sets email images widths to max-width:100%
Sticky Notes a reasonable tool to remind important details and reminders in your daily or busy day.
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