
Adopt this adorable cute furry animal!
Removes all ads from Facebook™
Automatic handling of GDPR consent forms
LiveStyle — the first bi-directional real-time edit tool for CSS, LESS and SCSS.
Get notifications for new activity from Instagram.
Make your cursor rainbow in Google Docs.
Search Power extension configures your default search to searchpowerapp.com & provides enhanced results
such god doge
Find marketing tags and beacons running on a webpage!
Take screenshots, add images to your imgur account and upload images from your desktop using drag and drop.
A beautiful, simple way to write down notes
截取屏幕截图,添加注释,然后直接从 Gmail 发送
Dice Throwing app
찾고자 하는 단어에 마우스를 올리면 툴팁으로 사전을 제공합니다
Control browser alert windows. Block by default or on specific websites.
Converts AliExpress order details into an invoice ready to print
A revolutionary reading tool making every long story - short.
Add as Bookmark in Zoho Mail
Helps you debug Angular component state. Supports Angular 1/2+/Ivy!
Play pong easily any time with the pong chrome extension!
FREE Resizing.app service allows you to resize your images, optimize them without losing quality, and convert to JPEG, PNG, or WebP.
Enables printing from the Google Chrome browser to YSoft SAFEQ.
Simple and complete DOM testing playground that encourage good testing practices.
Chrome screen sharing extension for the ConexED platform
Solves those tricky authorization text filled images in web pages (CAPTCHAs) instead of you.
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