
Розширення, що позначає підозрілі акаунти у Facebook. Захистіть себе від маніпуляцій
Simple Smart Search
Challenge your knowledge of movies
Automatic window moving with multiple monitors and speakers notes.
Shun the western world and experience internet as our Glorious Leader intended it
텍스트랭크 알고리즘을 사용한 3줄 요약기입니다. 뉴스,논문,기사 등등 긴글을 3줄로 요약해서 편하게 보세요!
Replaces images of Donald Trump with guide dog puppies.
Change the default pointer cursor to a left hand
The GraphQL debugging tool for Apollo Client in the Chrome developer console.
Simple way to change request parameters.
From Columbus to Napoleon: Conquer huge empires, colonize uncharted continents and construct mighty monuments.
Persistent Browser Storage for Rezku Reservation Systems - http://www.rezku.com
This extension fills up the form automatically by fetching its value from the database
Checks a Wikipedia user's watchlist for updates.
Fix Aspera Client Bridge issues
Stackball.io In this game, you will smash, bump and bounce to be able to reach the end on revolving helix platforms
make a short note in Chrome
این افزونه در صورت مواجه شدن با درگاه جعلی یا فیشینگ سریعا شما را مطلع میسازد و مانع از وارد کردن اطلاعات کارت بانکی در آنها میشود
Encuentra películas, series y canciones cambiando tu motor de búsqueda
Adds a button to the BigQuery UI to save a query directly to a GitHub repository
Double click Lexical extension
Hypertune lets you rapidly test thousands of website variations to discover hidden winners.
YTFind allows you to search for the dialogue in Youtube videos.
Компания Атлас - запчасти и комплектующие для автомобилей производства США


Convert any Indian alphabet into another.
This extension will call you to order on a recurring basis, so that you does not lose sight of the essential goals of your life.
Manage your tasks and notes on a dedicated tab and sync them across your Chrome browsers.
Come back to websites when you are ready to read them.
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