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A Tool to help break your social media addictions.
楽天でチェックボックスの状態をディフォルタでOFFにする。 (Infoseek以外)楽天のすべてのサービスに対応しております。
Generate string of specified length or calculate the length of specified string
Make ACBL live personal score page include hand diagrams for easier review. This is unofficial and not affiliated with the ACBL.
CRM Integration powered by Clear Clouds
Archshare is an new online community for architects. Think social media, collaborative working and unprecedented industry exposure.
Convert JPEG Files to ICO format
Display NGI Eolo 10 quotas and alert the user when they are running out.
Search for your important links in your emails and messages with our AI-powered search.
Get Facebook access_token in one-click
Substitutions that make reading the news more fun.
An extension to enhance the Little Golem experience.
Room is the simplest way to have free video meetings right within your web browser.
Detect unreliable news sites using advanced web scraping technology and a machine learning algorithm.
Kuromalize the Coincheck Tradeview.
Replace vk chat on zepp chat and makes all krasivo.
Hero Zero Sidekick
This extension supports the Symbee Connect pause/resume recording functionality
Mirror Android notifications
Add the Remark Information for plug-ins of their own to Github and Gitee
JL Games Extension
Enhanced functionalities for WebClient application in Home Credit a.s.
This extension performs the conversion between rgb and hex. It's fast and stable.
Find and play popular Nigerian sound memes like 'Ayele o' and 'chai' on in an easy-to-use app, built with love by Faffers!
Reverse the genders on any website with just one click!
A massive redesign of the Wikipedia website. Enhanced design includes a more user friendly interface that increases readability.
Make Minerva Great Again
Отслеживание международных почтовых отправлений прямо в браузере одним нажатием кнопки!
Adds an '>>' omnibox command and find results from hoogle, hackage
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