
This extension adds tooltips to Path of Exile abbreviations
Adds features to ksl.com like favorites and comments to classifieds.
Calendário Lectivo & Provas Presenciais da Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática 2018-2019 da Universidade Aberta
In-browser fixes to longstanding bugs and functionality gaps
Delete old files from slack easily
Listen UltraFM station from browser. Tiny extention that allows you to listen UltraFM(radioultra.ru) from Chrome browser.
Explore the internet and share what you've found!
TwitchTTS enable Text-To-Speech in any chat!
Reveal contact emails and phone numbers directly from LinkedIn. You automate your email campaigns or integrate with your CRM.
Get real and free YouTube subscribers daily. SubPie is a free and a fast way to get more subscribers at YouTube!
This extension alerts in case of storm or any other weather anomaly
A simple tool for integrating w/Flask & SQLAlchemy apps
Check latest stock quotes
This extension let you see streamers posts that you following
Convert words between English and German using dict.leo.org.
Opens the current tab in Serpstat Domain Analytics for SEO analysis
Приложение заменяет цены в белорусских интернет-магазинах ценами в USD.
Automatically invite all your facebook friends to Events or Pages with just one click.
Export mixpanel people queries to CSV.
Generate a Wikipedia citation from the current page, using reFill.
Perform lingvolive.com search from Omnibox, with suggestions
Zeigt die Untertitel der ARD- und ZDF Mediatheken im Ganzen an, stellt sie als Fließtext oder im SRT- und XML-Format bereit.
This plugins allows you to like every photos that contains the specified hashtag. You can like 100 photos per day.
Поиск внешних ссылок на сайте
Get notified as the virus spreads!
Arkadaşınız ile oynayabilieceğiniz iki kişilik oyunlar oyna.
Easy getting information about item on dota2lounge from dota-trade
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