
Open YouTube videos in VLC.
Easily undo closed tabs via your browser's toolbar popup!
Displays lyrics in a flexible panel at YouTube and many other music sites
Youtube Playlist Time Calculator是一款可以帮助谷歌浏览器用户Yotube中打开的播放列表总时长的Chrome插件。
Scanning website for vulnerable js libraries
Change pages styling according to the user's preferences.
The Complete Mouse Gestures solution
Dark Theme for Google News是一款能使Google新闻的版面变暗,同时保留原始感觉的Chrome插件。
移除 YouTube 所有煩人的廣告。移除 LiTV線上影視 開播及中途廣告
编辑并以MHTL/MHT(MIME HTML)存档格式保存活动标签或选定区域,以获得一个干净的单文件备份。
Grabs m3u8 webRequests from visited web pages and provides options for openning them.
POCU Proctor
The New Generation of DropShipping Facebook marketplace
Additions to Strava website to provide helpful links and features for VeloViewer.
Easily get words out of an image with OCR engine!
Track and visualize your progress on JIRA issues
An easy, powerful no-code web scraping software by Agenty to extract data from websites using point-and-click website crawler online
Get a quick overview over all your ships/upgrades in your hangar and buyback, plan optimal upgrade chains.
Save a web page or selection as eBook (.epub)
Find all JSONPaths for a specified node within a JSON document
Ad Skipper is gives you less interrupted online streaming and skip or removes ad on behalf of you. It does not block an ad.
Most efficient way to take & share time-stamped notes while watching videos!
直接在Gmail、Google Docs、Google Drive和Chrome浏览器PDF预览视图中为文稿签名。
Amz superman seller tool. Speed up your research with keyboard shortcuts
Zoom.us likes to make it hard to join a meeting using your browser. This extension makes it easy.
This is an extension for Google Keep. You can input tab( ) into memos.
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