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Display skuId for product detail page.
TapTap Shots is an endless basketball game. Successful shooting in a limited time.
Organize your tabs with ease
Remove recommendations page, filter useless channels and speed up videos past 2x. Youtube at times can be very distracting with a…
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This extension allows you to create and manage Jira issue templates to enable faster creation of Jira issues.
Mark students' exams through highlights and go!
Displays an explanation of an opened xkcd comic from the explain xkcd wiki.
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This extension takes a student's timetable from rishum-net.huji.ac.il and converts it to iCalendar format.
Add key value pairs
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Redirects the Pikmin wikia links to Pikipedia.
Reddit has a limit to how often RSS feeds can be fetched. This breaks that limit!
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Make tall tweets short.
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This will fix a bug in chrome which is limiting the height of the editor in confluence
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