
A great extension that lets you easily switch between, add and create new themes to use on Box Critters!
Copies DJ Khaled quotes to your clipboard
Easily change the duration of google search
Real-time in-browser activity notifications for pull requests.
Import javascript dependencies / modules into your console.
Allows web site basic authentication using a Lightning Network payment or message signature.
This utility gives you a better overview when trading at the bittrex trading platform.
TestFairy for JIRA Chrome extension brings TestFairy into your on-premise JIRA. Use this extension to view TestFairy video…
Control the InventoryBase report audio player with your keyboard media keys or external devices, like pedals.
Stop automatic translation from the Microsoft Docs to an unwanted language.
P词典(Personal Recite Dict),可添加生词本的英语辞典
Search for words on a web page
Unit Conversion
This extension helps you verifying and validating US addresses
Count ngrams. Navigate text
This extension shows you a motivational quote when clicked.
Highlight a Stock Ticker/Name and right to click find information on it
take a screenshot every page load for select websites
This extension will analyze a page using GTmetrix
Get a bigger view on the BigQuery console
Color code individual Chinese characters


Simple 2048 game


TopSecret es una extensión para Google Chrome que revela las imágenes ocultas en una web.
Instale a Extensão no seu navegador e seja avisado sobre novos vídeos do canal PeperaioHardwareBR de forma elegante e discreta.
This extension converts monster codes of CA to monster URLs of web3 or facebook pages, and opens them for you.
Extension de Frogx Three para Google Chrome, para conocer los ultimos artículos de interes para diseñadores y desarrolladores.
A chrome extension that adds spotify and grooveshark enhancements to what.cd pages.
Esta extensión permite realizar búsquedas de notas SAP mediante su nueva interfaz SAP ONE


JMP web helper
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