
Enkel tilgang til NTNU sine tjenester.
An advanced browser debugging and stats gathering tool.
Kangaroo is the most efficient bookmark tool.
Allows you to schedule VoiceONE Meetings and stream your desktop into VoiceONE conferences.
Drawaria online is a fun-addicting drawing and guessing game to enjoy online and for free
Readerful can enhance the reading experience of news websites in Taiwan.
Adds a button to toggle the Stackoverflow sidebar.
Auto save Facebook friends' birthdays to Google Calendar and manage customized gift list
Create an outline of your current page
Extras for Hilanet
Press Ctrl key & select the texts, the extension will translate them to the target language. 按住Ctrl键并选中需要翻译的文字,此插件将为你自动翻译。(必需能访问外网)
Save time on HN by marking read the titles and comments you already scanned. And more.
Transform the x-system into characters as you type! Works on Duolingo!
myfatburnworkouts.com the home of protein supplements and fitness trackers
Kanban extensions for self hosted github, gitlab, bitbucket, and gitea
A suite of modules to enhance your Barstool browsing experience.
Helps to accomplish simple SEO tasks on the web page
Erweitert die Seekarte von Escaria.com um viele nützliche Funktionen.
YSSY Upload Viewer
Multi tools dashboard
Extensão utilizada apenas para compartilhamento de tela dentro da plataforma do Weeazy
Find Exactly What You Are Looking For
Devtools for redux-ruleset. Visualizes your data-flow
FriendFeed Download Blocker


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Cho phép các truy cập từ localhost
Adds hierarchy and readability to PSU's student DARS reports.
The most secure way to share files.
This extension allows the user to run a CHIP-8 emulator from their browser.
This extension shows all the images from the front page of /r/aww
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