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Search with Becky G and get the lastest Becky G News!
TrixWS Short URL Creator.
Add this to your browser and replace all instances of 'millenials' with 'cool kids'.
Track ekizo.mandarake.co.jp for new item listings.
The extension provides user interface to work with Zilliqa TestNet
Convert minutes to an hour string.
Perform a DOFO.com lookup with just one click!
Read /r/WritingPrompts submissions on Reddit with ease in a custom viewer.
Compacts the layout on Overcast.fm, so that you can have it in a tiny window and still have access to all the information you need.
Improve your productivity and your health with these simple workouts!
Immediately see how many characters are allowed for a password. Are you using password managing tools, such as KeePass, 1Password…
This extension shows if user is on a Blacklist for Steem related sites
Fixes google images search bar.
Adds conduit:// protocol links to Pouet and Demozoo
Javascript Injection Extenstion Tool for Chromium-based Web browsers
Is Tether in the danger zone? Stay alert with USDT Tether Alert!
Make link of current tab quickly
Chrome & Extension Update Notifier
Control volume in talky.io rooms
Make everything you say sound funny
Removes the old Google logo and replaces it with a brand new Pineapple logo!
Funky colors everywhere when you mouse move, good for pranking someone or just have fun. The secret password is funky ;)
Shows popup definition of selected term
Count characters in selected text
Your #1 guide to online poker regarding news, reviews, and legislative changes at the click of a button.
Takes current domain name and returns IP Address and other...
player Downloader
"You're a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory." Offended? Good. You too can have…
Copy the FB Algadon Call to Arms URL
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