
Adds file hoster filter on DDL-Warez
An extension that allows you to use CheersVideoMail Screen Capture Tool.
Get access to contact details of LinkedIn, GitHub and StackOverflow profiles
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Get more words,all in one bowl! 一个可以将网页中的生词收录进我的单词本的小应用
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Changes jsbeautifier.org to have 4 spaces, no wrap, and be JSLint-happy by default.
Track and manage your micropayments to web monetized websites, having a web monetization provider membership (i.e. Coil).
Fewer tabs, more focus.
Annotate crbug.com bugs for easier wrangling. For now, only works on old UI, sorry!
Let's rethink email.
UI Assistant for Binance, Huobi, BW, ZB and others international exchangers
Safe Site helps block harmful and malicious URLs to improve your internet experience and keep you safe.
Fox loves to shoot bubbles and clear the playing field of a large number of multi-colored balls
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폭없는 공백문자를 제거합니다.
Kingdom of Loathing chat modifiers
Ultra Compact CSS mods for gmail and google reader
Enable Screen Sharing for Bridge (https://br-idge.com)
Chrome extension for quick access to frequently used text templates previously saved in this extension.
A browser extension for Code Self Study (codeselfstudy.com)
A group scheduler for organizing meet-ups. Uses natural language processing (NLP) to analyze Facebook Messenger chats and create a…
Add Numbers to Google Search Results.
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Selenium IDE alternative for web testing. It records tests as you interact with a website and runs them on different platforms.
Horses for sale on Google Chrome.
Kept saves and organizes every page you keep into a free personal archive that works seamlessly across all your devices.
Binge Easy allows you to binge watch your favourite shows/videos on Youtube / Netflix / Prime by skipping ads and themeIntros
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