
새 탭을 열 때 에듀콜라 사이트를 자동으로 띄워주는 확장입니다.
Adds a little Seinfeld into your life. Cheers!
for developers Wakatime Tab
Set your 'New Tab' page to any URL.
Minimal Todo for your Daily List
Chrome Booster with featured Unsplash images, DuckDuckGo Search And Clear Cache & Cookies Option
Jlpt questions in new tab
This extensions makes sure wikipedia is always first in your google search.
새로운 Chrome 탭의 배경화면을 원하는대로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 당신이 관심있는 주제들의 멋진 사진들로 하루를 상쾌하게 유지하세요.
Replace new tab screen with live nepali date time.
Replace your new tab with a simple jsFiddle-style code playground.
make your new tab art gallery
Elimina la publicidad en la pantalla de juego de GeoGuessr
Poland Visa Appointment System
fot parse link on goGetLinks
GuidImmo - Extension d'aide à la recherche d'immobilier bon marché.
This extension will provide a poem a day
Whenever you open a new tab, Placeholder shows you a stunning picture from an amazing place as well as how much it costs to go there
blankTab replaces the default new-tab page with a blank one!
Photos of earth compiled from various sources
Find articles you've read in the past
Beautifully replace new tab screen with simple and minimalist winter themed background.
A cool extension that makes you happy!
Awesome New Tab Customized
Free & Simple Zillow Scraper.
Enjoy HD wallpapers of Purple Color HD every time you open a new tab.
Google search cleaner for shitty stackoverflow clones
Brave Girls 新标签页中的全高清壁纸和主题
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