
Assistant for life~
This extension is developed primarily for https://www.filtered.ai.
Brands at your fingertips. Instantly get any website's logo, colors, fonts in a click.
TWINS 掲示板の添付 PDF をブラウザ内蔵 PDF ビューワで表示します
Get News API From https://toidicode.com - Todicode.com sharing knownledge technical
A simple no-nonsense per-tab zoom
Convert tabs into popup windows and back


Never pay more! When you shop online.Know the lowest price of a product whether you are on Flipkart,Amazon, SnapDeal or Jabong
Translate your Zendesk knowledge base from within Zendesk
Use TechPro's Call_Click to convert all phone numbers on a webpage to a 1-click-to-call link.
Hide the Facebook News Feed
Changes colour of keywords in SharePad Share News. Click click the news when loaded in SharePad
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Apply BLOKK font to all text nodes on a page
Bookmark websites by sending them to Deed as you surf the web: click the extension button to bookmark current address as a new deed.
Chat for us
Gray filter for images and videos.
Just click to get focused by Music Magic...!!
Foxfm stellt Informationen und Funktionen zum schnelleren und effizienteren Umgang mit dem OFM - OnlineFussballManagers bereit.
Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that displays the Tieba FE code and modules associated with the selected DOM element.
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Ersetsd di Wörta auf 1 Saite, mit Wörtan vong VONG her.
show one-touch button between github repository and github page
Recharge Coupons and Freebies.
Encuentra números duplicados y los taxis rápidamente con esta extension en la página web de OK-TAXI
Izyware extensions help companies save time by automating workflows.
Simple Triple Notes
This extension gets additional information from the official ripple database and adds it to the xrpcharts page.
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