
Ett enkelt tilläggsprogram som låter dig strömma ditt skrivbord till möten med Jitsi Meet och Jitsi Videobridge.
Usabilime screensharing is an extension to enable screensharing using WebRTC. Powered by Agility Feat.
This extension hides quicklinks in New Tab.
Remap tab switch hotkeys (4-7)
Permet au élèves du CPII de convertir l'emploi du temps en format calendrier standard. Allez sur votre page e-service, puis sur…
This browser extension unwraps t.co links in Tweet Deck and Twitter.com, making your experience faster and less cumbersome
This extension adds desktop capture support to Ayo Ketemu
Elimina le pubblicità, annotazioni ed informazioni in generale, visualizzate su un video di Youtube.
Select videos, images, tweet, and instagram items for emo playlist.
Remove new vk ads from left column of site
This chrome extension allows you to set a word to always appear as a different word on a webpage! Users have used this app to…
Powiadamianie o streamie Yuuhiego
This extension strips odd underlines on newslocal pages.
Destroys the Moments Tab on Twitter.
Extension for screen sharing on link4.chat !
Fun with Katakana
Interactua con aplicacion privada para activar scanner de huellas
Prevent 'Source' popovers from obscuring the heart/reblog buttons while you scroll through your Tumblr dashboard.
Extension for share your screen in AVC webinar
Let Guy Fieri accompany you on your Internet browsing


Return main page after a minute
Block up to 200 content farm on Facebook
Resizes the Rabbit Chat window. Also abolishes the ugly emoji. Made for Maren! <3
Because it's hard to type bunq...
Add a discussion forum to any page
SanjiLive est une extension qui notifie l'utilisateur si Sanji est en stream sur Twitch.
Exports your wishlist from instocktrades.com to a csv file
Bypasses the steam link filter without any delay.
Extension to allow desktop sharing in Intel CS for WebRTC applications.
Impossible de louper un de mes lives avec ça !
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