
With one click, Pinlogger lets you save, read, and manage the things you find on the Internet. Read your saved content in a minimal…
Track and expose pixel trackers in your emails and web pages
Adds a print button to the browser.
Displays information about the TWIST cryptocurrency using the cryptopia exchange and TWIST APIs
Estimates how many words you read in selected language
Search 800notes.com using a context menu.
Handles tabs left and right
Allows users to preview their tabs
Midu Hermes
browsing with less key bind
Removes Kardashians and other ridiculous articles and stories from Google News.
Find out how you got to a certain page when opening links in new tab
You do not need to donate to feed millions of children. Your actions can.
Real Time Anonymous Chat
This extension converts image to text
Shows a random favorite repo in the sidebar.
shrtly.de für Chrome - noch schneller kürzer!
Adds a year selector on the Cambridge Computer Lab course pages. Enables fast access of lecture resources from past years.
A simple extension to add a sticky label to the top of the page, depending on the hostname.
Hide/Show Bitbucket pull request comment thread.
Print BOL from CentralDispatch Dispatches
cette extension à était créer pour vous aider lors de l'inscription dans les site webs principalement les inscriptions…
Quickly add bad user to Ignore list, only in Vozforums.com
Small script that makes the Coursera transcript scroll to the current active line. Personally makes it easier to take notes this…
Assima Player Stage
GC - Comunicação com GC Devices
An extension to create hard to crack sudo-random passwords.
This Chrome extension is developed primary for https://www.filtered.ai. It enables the screen sharing feature.
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