
Plugin for Safety
Imdb ratings on Netflix
A Brexit Blocker from creative agency Mc&T. Turn Brexit chat into Halloween fun; less Houses of Parliament, more House of Horrors.
Turn Design Mode on & off to edit the copy on any web page you visit.
Wrestle Online is a fun wrestling game. Can you beat your opponent?
Free and improved AdBlocker. Completely remove ALL ads. No "acceptable" ads or whitelisted advertisers, block tracking and malware!
Crawl data from grofers
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Highlight a blog's uploaded posts
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This changes User Agent, Referer and deletes cookies for domain requested.
Cops Vs Robbers: Jailbreak game, now available on chrome
Select area of screen, take a screenshot and perform reverse-image search
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Another crazy war and a super game. The name of the game is Gunnight.io unblocked.
This extension automatically detects and blocks Pop-Up ads identified by special patterns
Easily create a new unique email alias every time you give out your email address, directly from your browser.
Translates thick for those who need it
Get the most popular answers from Stack Overflow instantly on Google search
使用Alt/Option+P 快速開啟地圖,直接查詢反白內容的位址
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Shows historical events that happened on this day
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Pokemon Fire Red Version adventure open world game, now available on chrome
Just type your note
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Bootstrap a new development project.


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