
Site Plus is changing website design and added some plugins... This one is for geo.saitebi.ge
Informations sur le stream de binoledino
This Chrome extension is developed for https://smartme.university to enable screen capture.
Sends desktop notifications when somebody mentions you during Livestream chat.
Extension to allow desktop sharing in Xplorify Live applications.
Send page to Knapsack to be archived for offline reading.
No more losing your place when you load new tweets! TweetSpot will scroll to the exact spot in your timeline where you left off.
Max-club.ru is an old and unsupported resource in russian segment of internet. This extensions allows to store advanced ignore list…


Generate Coupon Karo
Removes giveaways from ECR
An extension to allow tab/screensharing on byte.chat
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with CloudWorks.
Zmienia kontrast wyświetlanych stron na przyjazny dla osób słabowidzących.
add customised links to wbbpe
Para quitar los modals enfadosos
Used to share screen on the edCom learning platform. All rights go to Muaz Kahn.
Open images or even the entire page to drawing with one click!
VS extension
The CollaborationSuite screen sharing extension
Replaces any mention of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson and gun control with something else.
When you open a instagram image into a new tab or window, this extension auto-loads a larger image version if it's available.
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Videocec.
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It's used when screen sharing is desired.
Loads PDF lecture notes in a new tab when they otherwise would have been embedded into the csmoodle page.
Уведомления с форума Strategium
This extension makes sure there are no spoilers on GOMTV.net
Add function (and Fun!) to the Fox News Forum.
Данное расширение поможет вам читать в интернете по-русски!
RO Ratorioの機能を改善します。
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