
Gagne à tous les coups!
Checks whether your favorite streams are online
Expand your Twitch experience
Add a few improvements of CBOSA
BumbleAd Demo project
마음에 드는 쇼핑몰 상품을 아이템미에 저장할 수 있습니다
Clicking on top-left icon keeps newsfeed set to 'most recent'
Recognize uniquely identifiable guest information on a PMS' website and display their Guestbook member profile.
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Removes ability to 'like' posts from specified users
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UI Mutator to Improve the Twitter Experience
This extension effortlessly converts swim times between long course and both American and European short courses.
It stops or blocks the youtube ads and banners.
Makes it easier to rejoin a Google Meet straight from the 'hasn't started yet' page and mutes your mic automatically.
Offered by Daniel Edelman and Nick Marchese
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will help you with your LinkedIn marketing and sales tasks. currently only one task.
Quick launcher for advanced store products
Annapurna theme for Google Chrome
Makeup games are among the games that all girls love to play.
ExactNote is designed to create, view, and organize annotations on web pages and pdf documents.
Generate a unique identicon for any text
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Sonifies your cookies concretizing digital tracking


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Capture full-screen or specific application's screen on any HTTPs domain!
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