
Ticky finds all occurrences of stock stickers on a page, formatted as $SYMBOL, and will fetch the price from Yahoo Finance.
Get your news from Techaeris.com right in your Chrome browser!
Quickly log tickets straight into Tikkety
Hides Bernie on Reddit
Extracts information from the user's browsing history and creates a personalized profile based on his/her insterests.
This extension allows user to see the definition of a scientific term on the jack kruse website.
This changes everything
Enables screen sharing on BookAnyone's Remote Tool
Catch every word you want in few seconds
Allows adding calendar events from sandlotsports.biz
Rechercher dans la boutique Kindle.
asanaのheaderエリアにある「Assigned」「Due Date」の2つのボタンをfooter固定エリアにも追加し、スクロール位置がどこであっても変更を可能にします
High-speed drag car racing with loot rewards & customizable cars!
Candy Endless Jumping is fun endless jumping game suitable for all ages. Jump as high as possible and eat as many candies as possi
Amazon Product Finder, quick display of product categories, sellers and rankings
Bu eklenti eksisozluk.com üzerinde yer alan entryleri yaklaşık olarak kaç dakikada okuyabileceğinizi gösterir.
Chrome extension to show Jequiti background randomly.
WordWrap the selected text by clicking on the extension!
Extension to change the styles of webpages
Keep track of your Furbooru notifications and messages in (almost) real time
Open current tab in a popup to focus on it
The crowdference plugin make it even easier to create collaborative custom links between any two web pages.
Adds Go to GoodReads button on amazon
Lateral blog post demo extension
This is an extension made for the students and the staff of Malmo International School Sweden. Created By: SH4R10 Source Code:…
I'm all for good political discourse, but let's elevate the conversation.
Shorten current opened page using Lnkfy.com url shortener service.
Info Lab Модуль интеграции
Permite compartir pantalla (screenshare) a través de videoconsultas InstaDoc
Newsmatch uses the articles you read to match you with like-minded singles.
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