
Chrome start page extension. Not intrusive and lightweight design. Powerful search options, news, todo list and more.
16bit themed!
Get latest coupon offers in your new tab of the browser
Replaces new tab with a customized panel
Công cụ Đặt Hàng Vận chuyển Vtgorder giúp bạn mua hàng trang taobao dễ dàng
D-day chrome extension from (https: //github.com/underdogdude/d-day)
Random Inspirational Quotes On Each New Tab
This extension allows the user to highlight text and use ctrl+q to Google it.
Shows you webpages saved from your mobile device in new tabs.
YourFriendAndre Fan Extension!
Make list for your own vocabulary with sentences
Generate A Password In An Instant!
A customisable New Tab Dashboard
This Extension helps to prevent toggling video and audio everytime while joining a meeting.
Personalize your New Tab page with beautiful photos and customizable widgets.
Allows users to open a new tab when clicked on it. The new Tab will be opened in the private window.
to test new tab chrome extension
Avoid the dreaded clock time by using the sun and moon!
Shows all the trending repositories on GitHub
a custom new tab with todo list, rich text note editor, and calendar view option. minimal extension for a very specific need.
Includes HD images of Lucas and Fred Figglehorn on every new background
LEAMI é seu amigo de compras online. Com o aplicativo em seu computador, fique sabendo assim que o produto escolhido atingir o…
Your handy tool for the internet to find what you are looking for quicker.
This extension will redirect you to a subreddit when you type r/ {subreddit} in the search bar.
Get the weather and sites you visit frequently, all on your new tab page.
Liven up your new tab page with this simple boid flocking animation!
Simple Todo App
Echo is the simple free tool to organise your history and discovering new trends on the websites you visit most.
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