
This extension adds the Datapath.io console to the AWS console
Removes the new blinding white imgur direct link page and gives you a normal, dark view.
Notifie lorsque la Team Infinit est en live
fucking consistency, bitch
Real fullscreen for flash elements.
This extension changes all instances of the word TRUE to TWUE
Navegação pelos comentários não lidos.
Replaces all images on all pages to Matt. Based on the amazing extension, nCage.


Make followers easy, automatized and unlimited.
This extension transforms your current webpage into a battlefield where you can play against multiple players over the internet.
Accedi a tutti i servizi in una finestra separata all'interno del browser.
EH Weather Extension!
replaces punctuation with 'wtf lol lmao'
Comwert your forbjddem glyphs!
Read about the Harkonnens instead of the Trumps. Replaces "Trump" with "Harkonnen".
Removes non-secure (HTTPS) articles from your Facebook news feed
This extension will calculate how long until the first set of MSG 2015 begins.
Reddit username obfuscation
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.


Veja videos na internet sem perder um click
เอาไว้กันผีบ้า ปลาร้าหลน
This extension uses Hadron to translate the chat into Canadian.
Esta extensao coloca o caminho completo da pasta atual do google drive no titulo da aba do Chrome
Reveals Trump and Clinton to be Anaander Mianaai
This Chrome extension is developed primary for https://globish.space. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
An extension that gets a user's README/repos from Github, and renders them on their LinkedIn page
Protect your identity on the web
Switch back to old sidebar on SCP Wiki branches.
Allows you to tag users on Hacker News
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