
Right click on a text field or textarea to insert the 'lorem ipsum' text.
A browser extension that adds the mention "included / not included with Xbox Game Pass" on Steam's store page.
AMBOSSIFY the medical terms in a website.
Flipaclip for PC and Mac, Download and install for Windows app that allows you to monitor your house or office.
Adds a volume slider to twitter videos - TWITTER HAS A NATIVE ONE NOW
Расширение скрывает официальные рекламные посты ВКонтакте и большинство неофициальных рекламных постов. Скрывает боковую рекламу.
Make mail.com search your preferred gateway to knowledge and information. Gain safety and comfort.
Search by Chrome Protect — The Best Way to Search
Remove forced Netflix subtitles.
Fruit Ninja Game - cool game is always in pop-up! Be careful, cut fruit and don't miss a single one, otherwise you'll lose!
The first and most poplular KHC wallet
Tiện ích giúp chèn hình nền vào khung chat trong facebook.com và facebook.com/messages
Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Freshdesk tools and services.
Spoofs Zoom's 'attendee attention tracking' system in their web-based client
Scans all posts of all your Facebook pages with 1 click. It can: Full scan all or Real-Time scan new posts for each of your pages.
All the things you already had access to!
Can't think of a secure password? Simply double click the password field.


Extensão que verifica se o site atual esta na lista negra dos sites de compra do procon. @autor: alisson77@gmail.com
This extension allows you to play mobile game Castle Clash on desktop PC from the task bar icon.
Take screenshots of entire websites in one click. No sign up. Super easy & fast.
Shows graphs and diagrams rendered by PlantUML.
This extension replaces the sodium column in FitBit's food logger with net carbs for ketogenic and low carb dieters
A HTML5 validation library, using a JavaScript port of the excellent TIDY library
* A simple customizable count down timer for Chrome *
Get notified about banned keywords before you submit your Amazon Merch design!
Keyboard shortcuts for EM, REM, and Percentage conversions in Webflow
Reload all tabs, reload only tabs with urls and create custom reloading profiles with tons of options.
With a Virtual Business Card, you can send your info via text message.
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