
Get notification about your friends birthdays
Allows you to recommend the current website or any item or image on the site to your friends.
Расширение для браузера Chrome. Заменит все картинки на сайте на фотографию Никиты. При поддержки паблика https://vk.com/nikita_tp!
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://2belive.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
Get the unofficial Game of Thrones theme for your Facebook. Complete with logos, color schemes and background images, this…
Chat about the content of the web page you're currently visiting with other visitors.
Use your own selfies as emoticons! Create your Mycons at http://mycons-rdtest.rhcloud.com.
Any text that uses the word 'trump' is replaced by a link to donate to an organization that will balance him out!
Встречайте! Шерстяные хвостатые комочки Натра и Оркинус в сообщениях ВК
You can tweet immediately while watching the website.
The quickest/simplest/easiest way to know how much you should pay/be paid
Replace the Names of politicians from the web page with an Identification String (e.g. yttpc2i7) as generated on depolitics.org
Исправляет размер страницы на форуме TTW.ru
Energia FM
This extension will kill any ComicSans email and span its sender
Ouça a Pixelados enquanto navega. É só clicar no icone para reproduzir ou parar a rádio. Simples e prático!
Aşk falına tarot falını kullanarak bakabilirsin. Aşk hayatında durum ne ve ne olacak?
[+amgD] Turns Off (vMoffica) or On (vMonica) vMail indicator on cellular telephones using standard binary SMS, with DCS bits set.
Réaffiche l'aperçu des images sur twitter
Angry Reaction for Grapevine.
Imports all bookmarks from Google Chrome to CyFave. You can also able to bookmark your current chrome browser url to CyFave
Extension to allow screen sharing in kstych.com applications.
An extension to easily hide and show the moderator icons for Twitch chat.
Shows off desktop notifications from github.
Chrome Extension for Awesometalk for Business
Tippit | Directly support the online content you value.
Display NethServer's installation worldwide.
Easily create retargeting links with Javelinks
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