
Ne rate plus aucun stream de Geekator ! !
Make Reddit links not open in new tabs when user is not logged in.
ClarityTel WebRTC application to place and receive VoIP calls
This Chrome extension is developed for http://floox.id WCS Api to enable screen capture.
Filters spam from twitch.tv
Keep yourself Untriggered with this extension.
This is an add-on to the Turn-Key Encryption Platform (TEP). The add-on enables you to share your screen encrypted while on call.
Real-time screen share
GCM for Chrome Extension Demo
Forces Facebook to display your news feed in the order it should be: newest to oldest.
This WebRTC screen capturing extension can be used within any WebRTC library/application! Use getScreenId.js!
Where your journey begins
This Chrome extension allows you to share your screen when using SpeedFaces.
Laajennus ilmoittaa kun Peli Legacyn lähetys käynnistyy.
Powiadamiacz o streamach użytkownika Iniku
Changes the term Pro-Choice to a more honest term.
Removes Pokemon related stuff from your Facebook News Feed
Allows users to pull media from websites and attach them directly to scalar books
Chrome extension for https://olehc.com/. It is used for sharing your screen with others.
Calculate some data on some web pages
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
This extension detects the first time KKE is mentioned in a facebook post comment section
A video & screen-sharing extension for users of CSquire.
weibo iweilian test
Avec cette extension, vous saurez quand SPΛRT est en Live! - Cette extension est créée par Cendres_Bleues
Leverage Horizon Screen Sharing to share your screen's content in a Horizon video chat.
This extension lets users copy a reddit gif into an easily shareable link
Add the page to your Puzlin sandlist
Blocks the anoying EQ sign-up page when exiting the FTP game.
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