
This extension is used by AirClass to enable screen sharing in Chrome browsers.
Take screenshots from any videos & live streams. Works with Youtube & Twitch.
Delivers music from VKontakte to Telegram
Adds a confirm dialog to every Facebook Like Button in order to prevent ClickJacking.
Displays emoji's and sounds claps on top of your browser content
Our extension will make your online interactions much faster by receiving over 100 templates with a simple click of a button.
This extensions detects fake news on your facebook news feed
Turn comments on and off. Works with the new Youtube. A simple clean interface. No weird buttons.
Rich text editing in Scratch.
Удалить рекламу вконтакте
KlavoTools Kango
Made for your pleasure! On today's list are user subtitles and playlists, enhanced blogging and notifications!
한글과컴퓨터 그룹웨어에서 메일 및 게시판을 보기 편하게 하는 익스텐션입니다. *** 기본 환경 설정이 필요합니다. *** 그룹웨어 접속후 그룹웨어 -> 환경설정 -> 기본정보 -> 화면구성관리 에서 전자우편 목록 부분에 프레임…
Blur whatsap messages in chat preview
Send WhatsApp messages to a single user to multiple users in bulk without saving number.
Render LaTeX in Discord chat.
Send text and links from your browser, on right click, to EasyJoin app
Find assets to analyze in Mediathread.
ApolloBot simplifies many of the mundane tasks people perform on Instagram. It has a distinct feature set made really easy to use.
A primeira e a melhor do Brasil
XM.com Trading,Charts,Forex...
Shows a Spotify play button on artist, album and track pages
Weryfikacja czynności w systemie LikePlus
This extension streamlines the process of posting to Social Media using EveryoneSocial.
This extension lets you skip any t.co links. It will speed up your daily Twitter productivity -- if there is such a thing.
딴게이(딴지일보 자유게시판 이용자)를 위한 메모/차단 기능, 설치 후 옵션 페이지를 확인해주세요.
Уведомления о новых сообщениях и событиях на Flirchi.
This extension makes it easier to invite all your friends to a certain event. It seems that Facebook does not have that, right now.
Auto refresh timeline on twitter.com when you scroll to the top. The refresh interval is 3 seconds by default. ※Warning Be…
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