
照片插件大小: 0.18MiB版本: v 0.1更新时间: 2019-10-09
大小:0.18MiB版本:v 0.1更新时间:2019-10-09

使用本工具,可以通过以下方式采集图片 1:左键拖拽图片 2:右键“采集到Tuujee” 3:点击浮标按钮 4:点击工具图标。任何疑问请联系contact@tuujee.com

使用本工具可以快速采集图片到Tuujee,工具提供以下4样采集方式: 1:左键拖拽图片 将图片拖拽至粉红区域,松开按键即可采集。 2:鼠标右键按“采集到Tuujee” 3:点击浮标按钮 4:点击工具图标 任何疑问请联系contact@tuujee.com


Browse and download images on the web
Take selfies with your camera using over 80 free fun effects. Save photos to your computer, or share online.
Enlarge thumbnails on mouse over. Works on many sites (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Reddit, Amazon, Tumblr, etc).


Enlarge thumbnails, and show images/videos from links with a mouse hover.
PicMonkey's photo editing and design tools help you create dazzling images that will wow your social sphere and boost your business.
Create amazing art from photos
The most powerful photo editing tool on Chrome. Works offline.
Customize your Netflix™ profile pictures.
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