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Instant code editor/REPL under any youtube video}
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TextMine provides readability analysis, keyword extraction, sentiment detection, word defintions, synonyms.
Check if a website is already shared on Product Hunt.
This extension allows you to hide posts from specified users on the Craigslist Forums
This extension can be used to annotate text content from the browser with the S4 text analytics services
どのWEBページを見てる時でもGoogleサービスへすぐにアクセスできます! Googleサービスの上部に表示されるブラックバーの便利さをどこでもシンプルに(^ ^)/ ・大切な情報へアクセスすることがなく、ただリンクを表示してるだけの拡張機能なので安心。…
Automatically add images to or remove images from all Quizlet cards.
A set of little tools to accompany you in you Symphony CMS development.
Press Ctr+I or Command+I (OS X) to open window. Quick Tab Switcher is a tab management browser extension for the Google Chrome…
Chart Streaming application for TradeChat.me
Get a sneak-peek of a Wikipedia article.
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Stop wasting your time on crap sites!
Verify Cryptocurrency exchange, wallet and protect users against phishing attacks
Esta extensão do Chrome é desenvolvida principalmente para http://www.sebrae.com.br.
Disposable Temporary Email
This extension prevents scroll jacking whilst holding a meta key
Beyond the presentation
Solid Performers CRM - A Cloud based Highly Reliable CRM System
Kills any blacklisted chrome tabs.
Provides information about UWaterloo Courses when searched on Google.
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. "William Shakespeare"
Get Top Books Recommendations
Adds buttons to various map services for opening the same location in different map services.
Manage your browser tabs in groups and archives.
Fix the new (rather stupid) layout of pccomponentes.com
Browser extension to close other tabs
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