
Envie mensagens automaticamente para todas as pessoas de qualquer grupo em seu WhatsApp.
Adds a button to open podcast videos on the Roosterteeth.com site in new tab. The video will then take up the full window.
One dictionary is not enough, try Any dictionaries
Adds a "Send Encrypted" button to the Gmail compose window
Displays years progress bar
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Highlights days with events and appointments in side month-calendar of Google Calendar™ web page.
Add helpful download links to the Google Postmaster tools website
Inline page performance reporting for Freestar publishers
Tired of clicking @2x?
Links to the comment stream for match threads on reddit
Simply press some key shortcut to make a bookmark
Official Chrome plugin of Optimallead.com
Screensharing utility
A place to take quick notes within the browser.
Resize your window in one click
Bookmark tweet to browser bookmark directly from timeline using embedded button.
open the image under the cursor in a new tab, even if the website doesn’t want you to
Uptothesky Bookmark
URL Shortener
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Abrir y recibir autenticaciones con el dispositivo Suprema.
亚马逊Review助手一款是帮助用户便捷抓取分析亚马逊ASIN的Review插件,整理好Excel表格供用户下载,可对产品进行多维度的自主分析。 Tip:目前该插件仅开放亚马逊美国、英国站点,其他站点陆续开放,敬请期待。
Po podwójnym kliknięciu w słowo usłyszysz jego wymowę, automatycznie otworzy się również jego tłumaczenie!
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Sorts SoundCloud comments by time
Wotodo.co is a note taking extension which is always at hand in your browser.
Speed up or Slow down any video from up to 5x to 0.1x on all HTML5 sites.
Redirect YouTube import request with correct parameters on plug.dj
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