
Shows which users have starred each chat message in chat.stackoverflow
use Standard SQL by default in BigQuery
ECDSA signatures with smart cards on the web
It's minimal. Test it.
Screen Capturing and Sharing Chrome Extension
젠트리온 PAY 지갑
Allows you to search the page with hebrew rather than english
Screen Capture Extension for Qangaroo
Калькулятор - расчет расхода топлива, на сколько километров пути хватает полного бака, 1л, 10л, 100л, затраты бензина на 1-1000 км
IMDb sort your list with drag and drop.
Visualize hex colours shown on web sites, by putting the colour underneath the shown hex colour.
Convert a string's format with only one click.
CRM integration powered by Telestar
Highlight and tag your friends on Hacker News.
Write what you did and gmail yourself (and others) about it
Review your saved posts on Reddit, Pocket, and more.
Automatically import profitable e-books and courses from Amazon and Udemy to your Ubertopics account.
Make you more concentrated. Hide newsfeed of popular social networks on schedule. Supported sites: Facebook, Twitter, Vk.com, Ok.ru
Simple extension for checking NEO & GAS prices.
Create your own grocery list from any recipe you find on the web.
The Pure Gold Ad Blocker replaces ads with refreshing nature photography! Reconnect with nature. Enjoy Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold.
Flight data at your fingertips to help you book smarter and avoid delays.
Saves open tabs to the bookmarks for easy sync and for saving memory
Minimalistic extension which sets common cookies (e.g. cookie_notice_accepted=true) to accept cookie notices on all websites.
Extensão para facilitar o lançamento de horas nas issues
We require using this tool to automate the tracking of interactions with all our customers.
This extension integrates CiteKeeper with FastCase, Lexis, and Westlaw.
Language Detector and Convertor
Somewhat content creator friendly extension that helps you auto-skip skippable YouTube video ads and auto-close video banner ads.
GBF Auto Copy Room ID
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