
Perform sum operations on cards
CFCA Security Application Development Kit
Allows you to test tech job posts for issues with sexism, culture, expectations, and recruiter fails
Pushes YouTube videos to Kodi.
Add telephony in Gmail
This extension hides the number of votes and voting buttons for posts and comments
Collect, Manage, Share, Navigate with all images and video you find on the web or your PC
UrbanBuz v3 Extension For Fresha
Extension for clearing browser history
browser independant favorites manager that syncs with google drive
Allows you to turn YouTube comments on or off.
Hoyatag Official Chrome Extension. 호야태그 공식 크롬 확장
Glopinion allows you to extract key insights from any reading and evaluate them as a group
Copy select text and convert to Markdown code
Sending Invitation Easily and Quickly.
Use this extension instead of bookmarks. It is just as easy but you can find them again and share them with people, simply.
Shoot your bug and send photo to your tracker.
Salesforce AutoSave for Chrome automatically saves records you're working on so you don't lose your work!
Save images with one click!
Cleanup webpages - remove ads and non-necessary elements, in order to have a clean, readable page
Add links to add1.link.
A better place to find and organize your favorite web links.
It is a Chrome extension that you can check what kind of page you are viewing now, how much attention is being paid, and about…
תוסף להצגת התפלגויות ציונים בכלל הקורסים
A PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) utility for Axsosoft
The extension that can help using FCC more effectively.
Call delicious "add bookmark" native window by Ctrl+Alt+D
Checks whether a site has been viewed.
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