
Gmail CRM Sync to Google Sheets
A free, private and easy blockchain interface for smart people
Save time collecting your receipts for N Pay
Get barcodes from text selection in one click
Playback controls (with J and L) and timestamp on YouTube Shorts.
Can't tell how green or blue your last selected color was? I feel your pain.
You may copy the selected text to the clipboard without formatting by right-clicking on it.
Visualize and edit Serverless Workflow files using a graphical editor on GitHub
Converts the page text to bionic text
Reading Faster, Better, More focused.
An in-browser Markdown notepad. Optimize for writing experience. Free, plus your data doesn't leave you computer
Übertrage Leads ganz einfach zu ThinkImmo
Shopee Calculator/ Purchase History using shopee's api
Replaces the default new tab page with a blank page.
Make web more context rich by enabling in-place context-specific previews for links
백준에 몇가지 기능을 추가합니다.
Un menú rápido para acceder a todo lo que necesitas de Mercado Libre en México
Adds a checkbox next to each Google Meet participant
Automation tool for Hiring CRM
Chrome extension for IOAPP
Coins on the fly is a customizable on-the-fly crypto tracker extension. It aims at being the most comprehensive crypto extension on…
Full Email Screenshot for Gmail & Klaviyo
Improves the Blackhole display.
DID wallet chrome extensions
Shorten long URLs with Exilink 1-Click URL Shortener
Customize the new tab with multiple websites in one tab
Save your links
Customize chrome shortcut to switch tabs
Protect your text (from your emails, blog posts, google docs, etc.) from the Prot-On plugin for Chrome.
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