
An enhanced dubtrack.fm experience!
TINI.ES help you shorten URLs
Find text on pages better and more efficiently!
OVCODE Website Publisher and Verifier
A Chrome extension for snoozing conversations on Facebook Messenger
A Gmail extension to add 'unsubscribe' links to any email and share the list of unsubscribes within your team.
根据右键菜单构建 URL 并且跳转。
Summarizes long articles for you.
Get a current balance on your flexible working hours - time spent over/under what Tempo says you should have worked
Ayuda Contextual para BusinessOnCloud (SAP Business One)
A simple tool to edit what you copy on the fly.
Keep track of your anonymous Quora links.
Giveaway-Club.com offers the best software giveaways for web, Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad and more. Giveaway for FREE.
Publique su propiedad a su cuenta en compraymudate
Solow allows navigation on ONLY one site, all other tabs or windows will be closed when activated.
Plays sound when new notification arrives
Chrome extension for Goldfish, a cross-application history tool.
Finds PDF files for textbooks from Gonzaga University
Screen grab/capture the current frame of video elements of websites.
Replace gender-specific with gender-neutral pronouns
Sends events to Zeitgeist about the sites you visit and how you switch between tabs, as part of a study on multitasking at UCL
Adds a number of features & fixes to the Education Perfect online learning platform.
Dodatkowe funkcjonalnosci dla Wykop.pl
A helper plugin for Piazza users to filter and hide selected content, focusing on the threads they need
Choose to save or discard Jira description changes when you hit ESC rather than dismissing them.
This extension helps you keep track of large lists of petitions and speeds up signing.
Add Copy-to-Clipboard button for Business Name, Business Address, and Business Phone Number in the Google Knowledge Panel.
This extension automatically signs you in with KTH.se.
Vconsol Recording plugin
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