
Chrome PhoneHome Enterprise
WillPass password encryptor.
Displays the number of unread messages in your ITU Mail inbox. You can also click the button to open your inbox.
This extension show the bookmarks that match your search keywords at the top of the Google results
This extension will convert your selected text on browser to any language you want, you don't need type it anymore
Empeeric's fix to Hebrew typed with english keyboard, and vise-versa. Now with a short-cut key ctrl+alt+e.
Protect your time and experience by blocking unnecessary websites.
Adjust playback speed of video in the browser.
The Service Objects extension integrates with Salesforce to validate your contacts, accounts, and leads.
a Chrome Extension for stock
This extension will download the class schedule in ics format.
Adds a button to pivotal story card to copy some markdown about the story.
Bookmark web page to your HomePageForMe.com account accessible from anywhere.
Access Quora functions from the keyboard
Online Recipes with a Dash of Elegance
Blocks the online ads
Automatically Skips the Youtube Ads
A simple extension to help you coordinate across timezones
Format detects any available markdown tags that a website allows in its form data and places them just one click away!
Just a simple calendar.
Easily block specific video ads.
Розширення для людей, які деградували на стільки, що клацають по лівій половині любого сайту щоб прокрутитись вверх, як в вк.
A productivity extension for people who need more structure in their lives
Переглянути сайти лесівкою
Chrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.
Time management timer
small helper to find all mails by a contact quickly
RETOOL Your School Vote counter for the top HBCU's!
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