
Just click the extension icon to copy the pesos symbol.
Save articles to your ReadCast library straight from your browser.
Find emails on any website and use our email finder and email verifier for convenient testing
Check how much carbon dioxide you emit for each flight you take and how many trees you would need to plan to offset.
Count and display number of each task size in column in wrike
Companion extension to Kenmei, best place to read and manage your manga collection.
Instagram story (image / video) downloader.
This plugin help you to get ready for Server+ certifications from practice test platform and braindump pdf
Automatically deletes tabs that have been unused and forgotten.
Real-time Guidance for Users to Learn an Application as they work.
Search for someone
This extension provides tracking for all sites that collect your PII
Hurry - Google Slides Timer
Asana's kanban board doesn't have the functionality to hide all the cover images on the tickets. This makes the columns on boards…
Connect your favorite CRM applications with your Kinect Hosted PBX phone system
Quickly verify the age of a customer by inputting their date of birth. Perfect for vape shops.
A helper for course descriptions of Dartmouth CS/DA
The extension can actively hide the content farm results from Google search page in order not to click the website.
Расширение помогает заключать сделки на Olymp Trade без задержек. Продукт разработан для сайта Binary-Hack.Ru
URL shortener plugin
LightNote 是一款在网页里标记重要信息,并支持收藏、评论、分类搜索管理的浏览器插件。(目前只支持 macOS 平台)
Notification group function for backlog 1.10.14
A simple extension to send digital rolls from D&D Beyond to Chazz
Quick launch Profit Margin calculator
Stop hoarding tabs. More is less. Keep your tabs in check and admit you need tab therapy.
Shortcuts and Assistance for the HRC team: ZenDesk Country Selector
R Rating lets users to rate and review different web pages.
A productivity overlay for your favorite web apps
Parses the late 2020 PlayStation Store redesign.
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