
Easy way to upload your files
ClearLight Click to Call from browser
Easily upgrade your vendor-central workflow.
Remove sponsored posts on Facebook.
Todo list extension
No Ads, No Waiting!
Munin Monitor polls your Munin overview page for changes and displays links for any services with errors or warnings
This extension is used to save leads in Simplicant.
Save page to later.
one tab, more page.
change color of your visited link
Log Reader
Block distracting websites for five minutes or five hours or all day.
A simple extension to share your desktop with KONEKT.
This extensions allows you to browse YouTube comments while simultaneously being able to view the video.
Directs users to publicly available links
Queue up media for later
Google Services icon color per user
Promo Tool
Tempo uses AI to optimize your Google Calendar, helping you get $#*! done and spend time on what matters.
Make bright websites more comfortable in low light environments.
Find out if your favorite cloud service is down asap!
A suite for enhancing Chara.
Do you find yourself wasting too much time on Youtube by browsing through the recommended videos provided by Youtube. Wouldn't it…
Enables the WindowFisher desktop application to fish for Chrome Tabs.
Chrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to KPMD meetings.
ZIlkr Notifier Chrome Extension
Use HOMEPAGE CHECK to improve your site and identify opportunities to get ahead of the competition
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