
Save to Bucket - Easy way to save the content from a webpage for later use or for later reading.
A chrome extension to quickly add ClearPoint content to WordPress.
Adds a filter dropdown to the PyCon India funnel page
This extension adds bookmarks of destinations in your Wishcan account.
Ditch those ugly javascript onclick on lastminute.com and replace them with good old links to be able to open them on new tabs
Flexor CTI extension
Send relevent match data from Challonge directly to your stream client for efficient tournaments.
Companion on the Web
Un simple portefeuille bitcoin pour votre navigateur. FR / DE
Correct the name of LionPATH in your browser to LionPATHSux
This extension removes annoying hashtags and improves your facebook browsing experience
Generate a single-use MailBoard address directly from any newsletter subscription form instead of giving away your personal email
Import Amazon products to RogueCart
Enable screen recording in the Timeshift Messenger
Chrome extension for highlighting Twitch.tv chat messages
A Chrome extension to help you identify false, misleading, and satirical news sources on Facebook.
Never miss a link, Bookmark your favorite technical links , Share links with friends and Connect with techies.
Story Point Totals of Backlog for JIRA RapidBoard
Copy what you want, the way you want.
Converts Video URL link to a SOTW Link
Phillips Academy Checkers of Truth Quick Links Launcher
A plugin for any Etsy seller who's ever had Deja vu while responding to convos. Store and re-use answers to your FAQs.
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://nearmentor.com . It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
This is desknet's SSS extension set for KKS. - When entering actual EFTs in a daily report, the summarized values are displayed in…
a Language Learning Widget
Copy text from phone to your desktop
This extension adds Glazr to an application. A Glazr server and a license key is required. See: http://www.glazrsoftware.com/
Authenticator for EOSIO blockchains
Automatically logs you into Calnet stuff
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