
This extensios is for those that open many tabs and figureout yourself lost
Keep track of your time spent on distracting websites and get alerted when you've exceeded your allowance.
Custom Functions for the Pillar Electronic Agreement
Check Recalls with RecallPro
This extension shows a list of all assigned and opened jiras
CFCA Security Application Development Kit
alfa version
SmartMarks allows you to store expirable bookmarks.
Removes click-bait titles
Sometimes you just want to Pin all your Inbox pages at once. So when you visit the tab, you're already at the Pinned page. Why…
A simple extension that allows you to schedule Oritor Meetings and stream your desktop into Oritor conferences.
Create a password!
Extension to automatically duplicate commonly used characters such as brackets and quotations
Add UI references with style
Displays many useful things on the main page (Weather, Most Visited Websites). More to come!
See technlogy behind a website on Producthunt
This extension shows SO questions ratings on side and if it has best answer selected.
Automatic word counting on the YC Fellowship application form - to allow you to focus on perfecting your YC Fellowship application.
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings on failparty.co.uk
Chrome extension for Digital Keyway
Recruit Screen Sharing. This extension allows you to share your screen during a video interview on the Recruit platform.
Tweet Pure Links and say goodbye to the URL shorten system
Take time-synced notes on videos with Punctuation
Insert custom HTML format Gmail.
Enable Dark Mode in Judge grading system.
Get Covid Numbers
To view the worklogs for the specific/multiple user(s) and specific time.
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