
makes hebrew not horrible to read. Icons made by https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik
Display information from wikipedia relating to highlighted text
İstenmeyen Başlıkları Gizleme
Save all the Apps or Web Services you want to try at a later time!
Extension to shorten urls
Opens the "What's the Salary?" website with a Seek job URL prefilled
This extension provides a toggle to minimize unnecessary panes in gmail
A simple cryptocurrency wallet that integrates with the KeepKey device. KeepKey Wallet Chrome Ex
Open Link in New Tab, as a last tab on another window.
Create notes for the cases, view and export them. Welcome to CaseFinder Chrome Extension - Makes it easier to review legal cases…
Refreshes the Adath Slide Show
A browser extension that allows WPI students to download their Workday schedule as a CSV file.
This extension improves screensharing UX and security for ShowdMe.
Simple play/pause hotkey (Alt+S) for Pocket Casts. This button allows to pause or resume current podcast.
This extension allows for fast going to widgets using hash (#) in the urls and changes title and icon according to that.
A simple website links organizer.
간단하게 할 일을 추가하고 체크박스, 삭제버튼을 통해 생산성 있는 하루를 도와드릴 수 있습니다.
cet timezone
Enhances Gmail UI for Zero Relay emails.
Click here to open SMART application window
Reformat MFP reports so that you can easily copy / paste into WAG spreadsheets
Hides all negative tweets on twitter.com between the hours of 7am and 11am.
Front Tip helps Sales people manage more conversations at once to connect faster, and win more contracts.
Allows you to group your tabs by domain name
This Chrome extension is developed primary for https://webmedicalboard.com/. This is only for screen share.
Share the screen from your computer during a live class on takhshila to show presentations or documents!
Provides users with the ability to quickly retrieve asset names and IDs within their Widen DAM.
Плагин для отображения статистики личного кабинета
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