
A browser action with a popup dump of all bookmarks, including search, add, edit and delete.
E-Yaygın Kursiyer Aktarımını Kolaylaştıran Yazılım
Save your links for later
Crowdsource your feedback! Evalu8 lets you get feedback on your emails, resulting in effective communication and happier employees
Система LegalTable-це новий інструмент для всіх юристів, призначений для зручного збереження потрібних судових рішень з Єдиного…
Replaces jab/strong/fierce notation with LP/MP/HP
A few single key shortcuts for common browsing actions
Prevent Social Keyword
We take care of all your passwords so that you can look after more important things in life.
One-click to open all of your favorite pages.
A simple extension for all of your timer and stopwatch needs.
Conectar sua conta em nosso sistema agora está muito fácil com nossa extensão!
Teens ask their mother to borrow the car; you ask Guilt to borrow the internet.
Locks a bookmark to current tab so that you can pick it up where it left off
Max Password Manager.........
This extension allows you to keep custom daily notes, without sharing any data anywhere.
Aligned Meetings
Extension for happy Link
Vortex CRM Helper, makes article numbers clickable on popular sites
Netflix skip intro and fast forward to next episode.
Todo List chrome extension
Extensão voltada para adicionar funcionalidades e elementos que facilitam a navegação no site Ripando.com.br
fill text fields automatically
This Extension adds Pandler logo button next to Github repositories.
Çekiliş Yap Kazan Uzantısıyla. En Yeni Çekilişlere Katılabilirsiniz.
It's easy to add new hires into your payroll/hris system directly from this extension.
Kobiton Get metric's devices - Developed by Khanh Do
This extension automates reading news post on NNU.ng
Easy chrome reminders.
Finalist accelerates and simplifies recruiting by matching hiring managers with expertly vetted candidates.
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