
¡Modify your intranet to Legion mode!
Read it on Podcast
Nexiomdental's screen capture component for Google Chrome
Find the next alt-coin gem
Ads posting product, life made easier! Verifies ads for successful post! Repurchase in a click!
Add support to the omnibox to search the Chromium source code.
Allows you to capture your desktop for use in video applications
This extension hides images with a middle click.
Get total likes, comments and articles from your LinkedIn Activity Page
Sensu monitor for Chrome extension.
Right-click on a JIRA issue to get its key and summary copied to the clipboard
Takes your bubbles to a whole new level
Tiện ích tiện lợi cho hoàng nam
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.
Adds a context menu option to open a link as an image, rather than allowing it to redirect to a webpage.
Extends Pharmakey XCRUD Options
This extension is used to type Armenian words by their pronunciation in Google Translator
This extension shows a footer at the bottom of all chrome tabs
Free tool to shorten a URL or reduce a link
Instrument Platform
Native messaging example add-on
This extension shows the maximum print size (in centimeters) for a parametrisable DPI (default 300 dpi).
Adds additional functionality to the BU student link
GeenStijl poeslief bijgevijld
Tells you if an article is over a week old.
🔍The smartest Chrome extension for TEXT INTELLIGENCE. Highlght keywords and find new patterns!
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