
Edit the text of any webpage on the fly, directly in your browser.
An extension which provide easy navigation to the TreadingView.com chart of stock ticker
Unofficial new tab page to display a Readwise highlight and its related information. Delete, modify and view more highlights.
To use, type 'l' plus a search term into the url bar.
Make hyperlinks intelligently and quickly!
Clean browser hisotry
Send Youtube To Podcast
Track Smallcase Live view
Automatically find an optimal set of times to ensure full coverage on whenisgood
Premium Skip Ads is an amazing extension that automatically skips or blocks for you video ads. If you are tired to click on the…
An extensions to give you your IPv4 address and a copy button
Is A Extension For Your Daily ToDos. Write Down Notes And Create A Checklist.
Công cụ đặt(order) hàng trên hệ thống HangQuangChau.Vn.
This extension allows you to prevent your device from going to dim/sleep/hibernate/lock
Remove paywall usong 12ft.io
Premium Files Downloader is an extension which enables you to quickly download multiple files from different websites. You can keep…
Try copy the current page's url and may shorten the url based on existing url shortener's rule like goLink.
An internal extension for Travel Chapter that provides connectivity between tabs 2 and the 8x8 Virtual Contact Centre system.…
Volume up/down, skip forward/backwards, and speed can be controlled with the mouse
Improves the browser's tab grouping capability by remembering which tab was activated last in a specific group. Additionally, it…
MyBristol extension
Leetmask hides the difficulty tag of the problem and stops you from accessing any LeetCode profile, including your own.
Automatically shorten Amazon product URL when open any Amazon product page.
Collaborative pointer that adopts to different layouts
Easy timeline viewer for worldwide remote environment .
Block all the ads on Amazon.
Decompression reminder
Extension lets you save and choose sites, by category, rating, p-star, and skip time intervals in x videos. then it also blocks…
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