
Conjugaison des verbes en espagnol
심플한 디자인의 위젯형 전역일 계산기입니다.
Adjust Youtube video quality and make player wide automatically
InstaForex - best broker in Asia
A plugin to help you manage Salesforce Fields in your admin view. View field usage statistics, and much more!
Copy and Paste all URLs, easily
Adds a scroll down button to Tumblr.
NAOB – Det Norske Akademis ordbok
Organise your bookmarks
Podsvechnik - English syntax highlighter
(Beta) View your home teaching companionships and assignments in a full-screen drag and drop style board.
Provides a reliable way to restore closed tabs. Never lost a tab again!
Base Level Extension
Refresh and book loads from Amazon Relay
Brainly with all the functionality and double the fun! BrainlyCompanion brings a whole new life to Brainly's interface and gives it…
Get instant nutrition on recipes from top recipe sites, blogs, and more!
A Jira Tracker Extension
Adiciona um botão para girar as fotos ou pdf das atividades dos alunos no Google Sala de Aula. Não modifica o arquivo original.
Supercharges GitHub navbar
Follow, like and comment on the social media activity of top influencers so you can grow your network and get on their radar!
Connect to Jupiter Blockchain Network
NetHelper empowers quick access to NS records based on internal ids.
Video speed controller for web videos with tab, domain, or global speed options with 1% precision.
Optimise your mailing bounce rate
Integrate & Track Your Outbound Prospecting
A smart and highly customizable new tab to improve your productivity | The best chrome extension for productivity
Replace your new tab page with a cat videos. No ads!
Simply set the URL you want new tabs to load and it'll load it. No fluff.
Create and track short links for any URL in 1-click.
Auto maximize a Chrome tab when it is dragged out into a new window.
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