
Shows your salesforce sandbox version next to your sandbox host
Hide the "Have you spoken to your advisor?" message on SIO.
Share this tool with anyone in your organization and they'll have the ability to screenshot valuable intel at any time.
Removes ads on Dailymotion, Vimeo and YT. Also Pre-Rolls.
A productivity tool which automatically focuses form elements and links.
AI Marketing Cloud Tracker
Brigitte extension
Order fulfilment module for Dropshipr Shopify app.
Seek (forward/backward) videos by mouse wheel horizantal scroll in video sites. ex: youtube and twitch
Find item in your Path of Exile account
Bookmarklet for Google Maps
Immediate Shot is a Chrome Extension that takes screenshots quickly with one click.
JIRA - Open external links in a new tab
A smart reddit bot, voting, commenting and posting with an easy way.
Capture screenshots of Twitter and Facebook posts.
Supercharge Whatsapp™ Web with hotkeys and dark theme! 🚀
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Convertet all music or sound files.
Create a cytoscape dependency graph on Trello, Github projects and Asana boards
Bridgit 让人们能在网站上进行内容标注,并在不同页面的内容间建立联系,提供支持或反对的信息
WebExtension for Kecilin Download Booster
Record stadia stream and save it to file system
The extension contains links of the most commonly used websites, a Note Taker, a Random Number-Fact Teller and an Alarm Reminder.
Students test helper
Financial Calculator
show multiple subtitles at the same time while watching Coursera https://www.coursera.org
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