
Hide distracting elements on Youtube™. Increase your focus and be more productive using SuperFocus.
Display information from wikidata.
HEX, RGB Color picker, Advanched Eyedropper, Find color code on any page
LightNote is a web cliper. It can help you to collect text segment and images on web page.
Creates keyboard/mouse shortcuts to sort through the Indeed offers faster on desktop.
Keeps you less forgetful.
The most beautiful and simple Startpage!
可以在V-cube Meeting 5浏览器版本中使用画面共享功能。
Replaces the default new tab with everytimezone.com.
A new, sexy, better new tab page.
override the new tab page so that user can create sticky notes to take notes
Transform your new tabs. Be inspired with the beautiful backgrounds, quotes, weather, sticky notes, to-do list and more.
A helpful extension that shows you current assignments and announcements every time a new tab is opened!
Replace browser new tab screen with GitHub trending projects.
reportic ist ein Web-Analytics-Tool, dass auf einfache Handhabung und visuelle Aufbereitung von Kennzahlen setzt. Mit reportic…
Extract emails from visited pages - collect leads without effort
Roblox JobId Join allows you to join a Roblox server with a specific job ID!
YouTube - Easy data extraction tools of Videos, Comments
Add an unread email count badge to Outlook's PWA icon on supported OS's taskbar's or dock's
Control android phone on web without root, not need software download.
Scrapes HTML Content without needing to call a backend API!
Removes out of stock items from the order page and helps to calculate your PV and discount on the current order.
Automatically closes inactive tabs and makes it easy to get them back
Send content to your Chromecast and other devices that support Google Cast.
Allows you to play Walkthroughs on any page.
This extension has been sunset and is no longer active.
Organises Pages into folders in Canvas LMS
This Chrome extension is developed primary for https://secure.itw.de/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
A simple tool for testing a web page responsiveness.
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