
Capture's Dom Elements
Organizes a heap of tabs in a smart - easy to read way.
We help you find and verify B2B email addresses and direct dials of people that matter for your business with the click of a button.
Stay focused and write daily. A different kind of site blocker.
Auto fill form for Idealista and Immobiliare
This extension creates a new Google Slides™ Presentation Deck
TabBot autorefreshes and monitors selected areas of a webpage and alerts you when a change occurs.
Scrap option chain data from Sensibull
Text recognition, text extraction, image to text, image to text extraction. Plugins that convert directly from images to text!
Adiciona atalhos a sites Shopify para ir direto ao CopyScraper
Transform your software demos into personalized, "one of one" experiences. Whether you need to change branding, content, images,…
Export and Import Tabs.
Detailed Waxirx Portfolio with ,Live PNL, Charts, Calculator and many more feature
Mit dieser Chrome Extension können Sie Mindverse auf jeder Website direkt anwenden. Highlighten Sie einfach die relevante Passage…
MSHOP 官方 Facebook 数据辅助工具
Get paid and rewarded for every minute you spend on Wikipedia.
A simple downloader that can download multiple pages automatically. (Beta)
Shows accumulated Ada rewards from staking. - Cardano Blockchain
Extension to form habits and prioritise tasks
新しいタブで読み込む URL を複数設定できます。登録した URL の中からランダムに読み込まれます。
Minimal speed-dial extension with support for keyboard shortcuts & importing Speed Dial pages
Very simple, fast and reliable alternative to original New Tab Page from Google which so many of us both love and hate. Enjoy
Simple Task Management.
Kyte saves your ten favourite websites and loads them instantly every time you open a new tab in your browser.
A user-friendly solution to help motivate an individual with day to day work online.
Instantly import text from any website and read it 3x faster.
A Wallet Chrome Extension by LGCY platform.
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