
CircuitVerse Chrome Extension - Embed Live Circuit in Google Slides
CRM Integration Powered by CallHarbor
With this plugin you are able to translate vocabulary by double-clicking a vocabulary on a webpage
You can specify the selection range on double click with regular expression.
Protect yourself from hackers, check if your account was compromised in a data breach. Requires Authentication with LeakCheck.cc
Paste Ipsum straight from your right click menu. You got bacon, cupcakes, books, movies and regular ipsum at the tip of your mouse!
Remove duplicate, empty & copy tabs to clipboard on single click
A list that holds the pages that you didn't read yet but you would like to.
Aliexpress.com data scraper - easy data extraction tools of product, price, sales rank, review
Minimalistic video speed controller
Schedule FundingBox Meetings from your calendar.
Space to next page extension help you to load the next page in a web site by pressing on the space bar key.
Copy ASIN to clipboard from Amazon search results or product page with one mouse click
suspend unused/inactive tabs to save memory, and for sure you can recover them
a chrome extension to help you pin anywhere to discovery
Helps to optimize the SaaS subscriptions by collecting and analiysing the browser history
Calculate percentages based on inputs such as ratios, fractions, grades and percentage increase/decrease.
You can search texts in HackMD.
Right Click on the highlighted text to save any text you want!
Adds a few QoL tweaks to Desire 2 Learn (D2L), an online educational teaching and organization platform.
Hide YouTube suggested videos, comments, and more with a single click
Create Link Stories Directly From Your Chrome Browser
Parse Amadeus PNR into templates
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Solution on how to download and install Flipaclip on your PC or laptop!
VBot is a human like auto clicker growbot for Vinted.
Weighted GPA calculator for Follett Aspen.
Plant vs Undead: Score Again
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