
Browse your Pinboard bookmarks and add new ones with ease.
Show dependency health as you browse.
Save text to Google Drive and Gmail quickly.
Kindle Beautifier for Highlights
On a Trulia page this extension finds the address and creates a link that opens that address on Walkscore.com. Zillow coming soon
Simple shortcut icon to the latest jobs on oDesk. Find your perfect freelance job now.
Adds frames to new Service-Now tabs
Convert your cr2 raw images to jpg, png, gif...images
Word Midas unlocks the hidden patterns behind the English you read to uncover the English you will want to learn.
This extension replaces text urls that link to images with the actual images inline.
Extension ký số văn bản tích hợp của VNPT
Great chrome extension to keep track on your insta-followers. Best for those starting as influencers. This extension will show…
Learn Spanish, French, and German on the browser!
Add and remove categories in the YNAB spending reports page to better see how you are spending over time!


Extensión para calcular los códigos de color de una resitencia y su valor.
Remove Line Breaks from Clipboard.
Identifies word indicators for ATT&CK Enterprise Techniques in text.
Block multiple sites to focus better on your work
Count cards in list for Trello
Only see the videos you want in your subscription feed
Adds a copy button to each GTM Preview window dataLayer card, for copying data in specific formats.
Save links to browse later.
This extension discovers MultiPlug instances on the current network.
This extension shows how much time is spent on websites
This extension is designed to support translation of web-based platforms.
Quick launch GPA viewer for Yorku students
Digibyte Extension Wallet
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