
Make WhaleSlide your default search engine on Chrome
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English-Gujarati Dictionary
Yet another Tag Cloud based on browser content
Search the Rdio catalog from anywhere in Chrome with a painless right click.
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TripsGenie search hundreds of travel sites at once to find the cheapest flights and cheap hotel deals for you.
Shows the real sold price for eBay items
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Raise money for charity with every browser tab you open!
Fast Proxy
The MOL-PICK Szeged new tab extension will make sure you don't miss any of the action from the #HandballFamily and the #blues.
Generate B2B Leads by scraping data (with Verified Emails & Phone Numbers) from GMaps.
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Lunur, an all-in-one new tab for NFT traders. Search and access NFT collection storefronts, staking websites, and Twitter accounts.
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Simple y sencillo filtro para el listado de enlaces de seriesyonkis.com, peliculasyonkis.com y series.ly
Look up selected text at popular Metal music related websites
Finding relevant articles can be a tedious and time consuming task. Smart Scholar simplifies your search by personalizing search…
Simple movie and TV quick link web extension
Look up highlighted text on wikipedia. Just highlight the word or phrase you want to look up and press Ctrl+I.
This extension sorts companies by GlassDoor ratings
With Ultra-Downloader you can download all the photos you want from any website!
Sahidic Bible (Askeland-Schulz)
GAdsUp is a simple, quick, and easy to use Chrome extension that lets you bookmark any YouTube ads and the videos that a particular…
XOR Extension помогает рекрутерам общаться с кандидатами из ATS, платформ по трудоустройству или LinkedIn.
One click staking extension for dsearch.com
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