
Translate just by clicking right button of your mouse on a selected text
Redirect to google custom search engine for islamQA
This extension will allow you to easily use GiveBack Search engine
FilmAffinity Rank Extension
Look up any word with a simple click, summary the content and share your knowledge without leaving the page.
Search for mp3 in candymp3.com easy and quick!
Search takhrij hadith through dorar.net
Selecting a specified location to Google result page
Welcome to Viola's Stamp, a guide to where Viola might've gone to support Black businesses in Toronto.
Quickly search for artists on derpibooru
Search Ticket Numbers
Расширяет функционал сайта L2on для игр Lineage 2, Lineage 2 Classic, Lineage II Essence
bookmarks for web! use ctrl + m to create new bookmarks!
Client for the Collective Intelligence Framework
Find what an item's typical selling price. Don't get swindled by overpriced items on Craigslist. Compare items to Amazon, Kelly…
Alpha Search extension configures your default search to alphasearch.co & provides enhanced results
Lookup stuff by @Gyzkard
Все метрополитены России как доехать от и до метро (Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург и др.)станции, проложить маршрут на карте
Filter content farm sites in Google search results
Оценивайте резюме кандидатов искусственным интеллектом прямо в Potok.io
Display more informations of a domain/ipv4/ipv6/nameserver
Connect with affordable, clean leads. Find and reach targeted prospects in one easy platform. The browser extension connects your…
A fast and easy way to search Wencor.com for parts by number
A MultiFare extension for looking up the best fares
Fanza と MGS動画の作品ページでクリックすると、出演している女優名を表示します。 情報は「素人系総合wiki」のものを表示します。
Part Genie Enquiry
Get better search results with LiveSearching search
This extension allows you to search research reports of Bitgenie Research's reports repository
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